Wednesday, April 16, 2008

LET'S PLAY GOD, Rev. PSD (Ateneo 1984)

And God said:

"To mold a creature in my image, It must be:

- A homo sapien on weekdays, a hyena on weekends... a tomato when embarassed, or when forced to gulp alcohol... an alaskador at the expense of others....a complete klutz when in love.

For its foolishness, I will punish it:

- Turning it into a gorilla at age 33 (hair growth in progess)... bestowing it a bunch of friends who, out of pity, would conspire and lie, to make it believe that it is a good dresser, a reliable and likeable person, with a face that would launch a thousand ships (to the wrong direction)... allowing its digestive system to take tons of junk food so that it's whole body would just fall off like a dead toenail at age 40

But lo and behold, It's messiah will come to show:

- That the weekend hyena is somebody worth loving... the tomato is a source of joyous thoughts and sunshine.... the gorilla is sensitive, deep, sincere and because of these, the creature is indeed endangered.


Tuesday, April 15, 2008

BrainWorks Assessment circa early 80's

I have managed to find some old write-ups (assessments) among my old papers - those electronic self-assessments. i just though of sharing it with the www (wide, wide world!) to have an idea of how early i became complex.... what better way to introduce myself....

Read on....

Ferdie, your hemispheric dominance is equally divided between left and right brain, while you show a moderate preference for auditory versus visual learning, signs of a balanced and flexible person.

Your balance gives you the enviable capacity to be verbal and literate while retaining a certain "flair" and individuality.  You are logical and compliant but only to a degree.  You are organized without being compulsive, goal-directed without being driven, and a "thinking" individual without being excessively so.

The one problem you might have is that your learning might not be as efficient as you would like.  At times you will work from the specific to the general, while at other times you'll work from the general to the specific.  Sometimes you will be logical in your approach while at other times random.  Since you cannot always control the choice, you may experience frustrations not normally left by persons with a more defined and directed learning style.

You may also minimally experience conflicts associated with auditory processing.  You will be systematic and sequential in your processing of information, you will most often focus on a single dimension of the problem or material, and you will be more reflective, i.e., "taking data in" as opposed to "devouring" it.

Over-all, you should feel content with your life and yourself.  You are, perhaps, a little too critical of yourself - and of others - while maintaining an "openness" which is redeeming.  Indecisiveness is a problem and your creativity is not in keeping with your potential.  Being a pragmatist, you downplay this aspect of yourself and focus on the more immediate, the more obvious and the more functional.